Monday, 22 December 2014


Hello Internet People,

(Yes I've been gone a while, but let's put that behind us right now, because I want to talk about some important things)

 Recently I've been thinking of and witnessing a few things that have really shaken me and it's just really made me feel pretty shitty, and the worst thing is, they are all related to sexuality. As you can tell from previous posts, I am a gay man and if you didn't know - it took me 18 years to accept who I was. After years of being in denial, believe me it's one of the hardest things people have to go through, because you really do not know what's going to happen when you stand up and announce who you are to the world. When people aren't supportive of what you went through, it's a hard thing to live with, and that's mainly what I want to talk about today.

Firstly, if you have been living under a rock, you might not know that YouTube star Connor Franta, who has already had a confusing enough year after departing from the seemingly unstoppable collab channel O2L, recently released a video to his main channel on YouTube in which he came out to his entire following, and it's shocked a lot of people. I have to say that in fairness, it was no surprise to me, but it was amazing to see the reaction he was given. At the end of the day, the courage it took for him to do that was immense and I am so very proud of him for doing so. Unfortunately, what was upsetting about it is that a minority of people have reacted badly about it. If those ignorant, one minded people just took a second to realise it isn't a choice, and if you watch Connor's video (link here), you'll see him explain that. Like he says in the video, he tried to date girls and just pretend, but inside he knew that in the end that is just who he is. If you want to discriminate then just imagine if you were going through it first and ask yourself - how would you want to be treated?

Additionally, I've had people say things to me recently about my sexuality or things aimed at me because of it and it's really gotten my tired and upset. Most of you have probably read my Blog before and you'll know that I'm a strong willed, loud mouthed person, but even though they were just small things people have done or said, it all adds up and its sort of breaking me down. For example, I was talking with a few friends and I held onto who I thought was my closest mate's shoulder to get up off the chair and he turns to me and says 'can you stop touching me, you're always touching me and it creeps me out'. bear in mind I'm a very physical conversationalist, so ill give you a soft punch in the arm if I ask how you are or give you a pat on the back if I'm saying goodbye. Anyway I just ignored it and saw it as banter,until I come back from the toilets and he's purposely swapped seats with someone else. now that hurts. If you really think I'm hitting on you do you really think I'd take 4 months to try something? And what's irritating is that now whenever we see each other, there's always someone else there that he's invited as well, to clearly put in between us. I'm a lad's lad, so when I'm getting accused of trying it on with one of my lad mates its really fucking annoying, just because I'm gay doesn't mean i want every lad I talk to, okay?

At the end of the day, just because you're gay doesn't mean that's all that you are. You are not and never will be just a stereotype, you are good person, who just wants to be happy and that's what matters.


Will be a bumper catch up special with about 10 people I would have put as my persons of the week in the time that I've been gone!

But seriously, I know this has been a while and I know that this is a bit of a shitty post but I felt the need to get it off my chest. Also sorry about being gone for so long, but also thanks for sticking with me, I've been working a lot and I haven't had the time to post. I've still been looking at the site and I've seen the amount of you that have come on to check it and that's just amazing to me! thank you guys so much, I love you and I hope you enjoy the tweaks I did to make the site a bit better. See you next time x

Monday, 1 September 2014


Hello Internet People!

As you can see by the name of this, it's gonna be a bit of a soppy one. I was just flicking through facebook when i saw that Caspar Lee had uploaded a new video, called 'MY FRIENDS ARE AWESOME 2014' (click here to watch it!), and I just thought it was the perfect way to tell people you care about how proud you are. Seeing as my YouTube channel isn't up yet, because my camera is a twat, i'm going to do this here. I'm only doing like 3 or 4 people because i have too much to say and i don't want to bore you guys, but yeah, here it goes..

First of all i have to say Vickie (Dearvictoria), i am ridiculously proud of you. In the past year i've seen you end a long term relationship and have the strength to hold your head up, because you knew it was the right decision and be come out of it still having so much optimism about the future. i know it was hard for you to do, but fuck me, you're so much stronger and more confident for it. Also, seriously, i have to say that the determination i've seen from you to lose weight is just heroic, you look fucking fantastic for it. You're like half the size you were and still losing. You're moving away soon and leaving me, but i know you're doing it for the right reasons and either way, I love you vicks, you beautiful fucking bitch.

I went to Beacons festival a month or so ago (which i'll be talking about more later this week), and i didn't expect much of it, i mean the band got our tickets for free, as guests and we went thinking it'll be a bit of a laugh. And then we met Alex (@SKY1ING) and Sorley (@SorleyMcLean). For me, you guys made that festival great, and you were such good people that i actually miss you like fuck. Sorley, you have to keep in touch because you're a funny bastard and i love how i met you because you actually made a plan for us to talk to you, so you could make friends. And Alex, i feel like you're my little sister, even though i wont see you much this year, i know that we'll always be close because we're like the same person. you're an absolute babe and it's killing me that i can't see you every day, get drunk and then go watch a band, like we did then! Also, Charlie (@TheRealCBarker), you're a good mate and i'm glad i have someone like you in the band that i can talk football to! you were pretty funny as well that weekend, and it was good to see you come out of your shell a bit more.

Right, i'm waffling already, so i'll make this my last. Josh, you are amazing. You somehow seem to make my day every time you text or call, even when you're just being a fanny and talking about pointless shit. You're sweet and funny, and no matter how shit a day i've had you can always cheer me up. Sometimes you do worry me because you do stupid things and almost get yourself kicked out of your house, but i just see that as you being you - but maybe you should think before you speak when your drinking as well, because that may help. You're one of those people that you can never find the words for, because you're pretty fucking unique and i love it. you're one of my favourite people and i cant wait to see you soon.

Finally, i have to say, that you people that read this are so fucking important to me, without you this would just be one really fucking sad diary. Thanks for the support and thanks for sticking with me through all the shit. I love you guys!

Right, let's all agree that i probably shouldn't do the soppy stuff because i'm shit at it, but don't worry, my next post will be back to normal and it'll have my person of the week on as well, because this isn't really like one of my normal posts, it's really only so that i can say how i feel about some of the amazing people in my life right now. They've all changed my life for the better and i just wanted them to know that.

Sorry if you hated this post, but as i said this was a little more personal. back to normal later this week! if you actually liked this post, feel free to let me know in the comments or on twitter, and as always, i love you guys and see you soon :) x

(if you noticed and spelling mistakes or anything like that, it's because it's late and i'm tired so fuck spell checking!)

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Hello Internet People!

For the last few weeks, whenever I've left my house people have looked at me like I'm some sort of alien. I mean it's so strange, i feel like i have shit on my face or something, because all the friendly looks have been replaced with people looking repulsed by me when i walk by. The question is, what have i done differently to deserve this? Admittedly, i have gained weight recently which was pointed out on a night out the other day when someone called me fat (how charming of them), but otherwise not much has changed. My hair's a bit longer, and I've had a bit of an acne breakout, but nothing to warrant people looking at me like I'm dirt. It's a bit of a downer so I've just gotten into the routine of just staring at the floor with my headphones on whenever i go anywhere now. Is it just me or have strangers become arseholes recently? i don't know.

Anyway, if you watch any of the bigger Youtubers, you'll have seen that they're all raving about TRXYE recently. TRXYE is the latest offering, and first on a label from Australian/South African Youtube star, Troye Sivan, and it's actually pretty bloody catchy. The first single from the EP - Happy Little Pill came out a few weeks back and it's still stuck in my head. His new modern electronic pop style has seemed to work in his favour and the whole thing went blew up in no time. You've got to hand it to him, he's worked hard to reach this point and it seems to be working in his favour. Good job Troye!

Also, speaking of music, I had a gig on Saturday, and it went very well... surprisingly. On the morning of the gig, i got a call from my synth player, who told me that our new bassist, Will, had been admitted into hospital and he wouldn't be out in time for the gig. Basically we had two options - cancel or run around like a mad man trying to find someone to step in. Luckily a friend of ours was able to stand in at the last minute and save our skin. Although we only had a few hours to prepare it all went pretty smoothly and the reviews were favourable, and i was given praise on my vocal performance so i was buzzed. It was a good night, well apart from the whole Will being ill, and something else that I'd rather not talk about happening.

If you fancy listening to us click here for our Youtube channel!

I've been wanting to say this person for a while so this time, my person of the week is Hazel Hayes!
Hazel is a Youtuber that is close with people like Jack Howard and Louise Pentland (Sprinkle of glitter). She's quirky and happy, and sometimes you just need a bit of happy Irish people in your life. On her channel, ChewingSand, she does the occasional daily vlog and a series she calls Tipsy Talk where she has a drink with a different youtuber each week and talks about any shit they can think of - it's great. go and check her out and subscribe by clicking here.

I know this post is a little random but i had a few things i fancied talking about so i thought I'd just stick them all together on this post! thanks for reading by the way, love you guys! x

Thursday, 21 August 2014


Hello Internet People!

I've been gone for such a long time now, and I know that I've said in the past that when I'm gone for a while I'm not going to bother explaining myself any more but fuck it, this time you deserve an answer. Let me clear a few things up - no i am not dead and no i haven't quit blogging, I've just had a few things going on recently. If you read my last post, you'll have noticed that I've been a bit all over the place recently, and i knew that the the quality of my posts were just getting worse, so it was clear that i needed to take a break from this and come back to it when i felt that i was ready to continue again. The pressure i put myself under with the band and this and a whole bucket load of other shit just made me crumble and now i feel like I'm getting myself back on track, so as you can see (obviously), I'm back, bitches.

Basically, the plan is that i will post as often as a can from now on, and that could mean that its 1-5 times a week or twice a fortnight. Also, for now I'm going back to basics and I'm putting off my theme series, which if you didn't know, i did a two part, two post week with a different theme each time, which i don't want to get back into and panic to think of a theme for one week because my original plan had fallen through for it. I will, however still do the Rant Weeks and maybe the occasional crossover week with another blogger. The theme series will continue in the future but not until i get my shit together with everything else. Also, hopefully soon I'll change the look of my shitty, shitty looking blog design but I'll have to get some help with that, even though I actually have a qualification in graphic design because I'm not only lazy but I've learnt that generally, other people do things better than i can.

Also, I'm considering making the Person of the week segment in my posts separate and just a mini mid week post for y'all, but it's really up to you. This week's will be below still though, because I'm lazy as fuck. While I'm on the subject of mini posts, I was thinking of bringing back Song of the week, but making it monthly instead. Let me know what you think!

The reason I've posted this big, boring explanation is because you guys are what makes this blog, you make me want to post and you make it easier for me to want to improve it. This is why I want your input because its not just my blog, it's ours, and you have as much say as I do. If there weren't you people to read the crap I come up with, it'd just be me and a very odd online diary thing.

This week, i have to say it needs to be Andrew Lowe!
if you don't know andrew it's probably because you don't spend as much time as me watching youtubers. I have a very sad and empty life. Basically Andrew is a youtuber and he's in with the whole Thatsojack, Rebecca Black, Lohanthony and Ricky Dillon crowd. I only recently noticed him and after one video i hit the subscribe button because he is brilliant. He is basically the male Grace Helbig, and I fucking love Grace. he's dry, awkward and sarcastic, and I basically binged on his videos yesterday. I can't get enough, so go and check him out by clicking here
Love you guys, and I hope my absence hasn't scared you away. Please keep supporting and you can always comment below or talk to me on twitter if you have anything you wanna say! x

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Honestly, it all get's a little too much sometimes.


It's either all or nothing, isn't it? you can do as much as you can or you can do nothing at all, because when you do things in moderation, bit by bit, it just doesn't seem to tie together so well when it's finished.

when you look back at the year you've had, and where you were at this exact point 12 months before, has anything changed? has everything gotten better - or has it just not happened? the funniest thing, or maybe it's the saddest because I'm not sure anymore, is that I was probably in this same spot, sat in my bedroom with no boyfriend to call, no money to go for a drink and no story to tell. My life has been at a stand still for 12 months, and yeah, I've had some good times and some things that have made me briefly forget my issues in the days behind us, but nothing has really changed.

I don't even know if I'm going to post this because it's not exactly the sort of thing that I'm used to posting about, but I'm at a point where I just need to just let it out, because everything has become just a little too much for me at the moment. not everyone can go through life and ignore their issues and even though I wish that I was one of those people, I'm just not, and its tough.

Around about 12/13 months ago, a very close person to me passed away, and it was really hard to just get up and keep going but I had to, and now it's a year on and getting up and carrying on is getting a little hard. I have too much stress in my life. I have pressure coming from friends, because they rely on me to keep it together and do what they need me to do, and it's the same with my family, only with added pressure that our house may be taken from us. I have a homophobic brother and a dad who's equally as bad and I've tried coping with it but it's just so painful to know you aren't really accepted by two thirds of your family.

I'm incredibly lonely and I have been for a while now, and that's why I watch films all the time and I listen to music like it's the only way I can breath, because without it, I'm just me and I'm alone again, thinking too much into stupid things I've done and just generally over thinking everything. I keep up a whole image of confidence and slight vanity because if I didn't pretend anymore, I'd just be me - an average at best looking guy with a Manc accent and a body I don't like looking at. if someone finds me attractive, I try not to get my hopes up because chances are, they're more into someone else or they'll sober up and realise I wasn't exactly what they wanted. I've always been a romantic and because of all these stupid films I watch to keep me from reality, I end up in pain after someone seems interested and ends up actually not, because I'm too easy let my walls down and care for them when they're too drunk or talk to them when they message after it all, wanting to be friends. it all tears me apart inside.

I'm not writing this because I'm giving up, I'm just writing it because I need to let it out and stop just going about my life making out to people that everything is fine, when it isn't. I'm not depressed, I'm just overwhelmed and I feel like I've hit rock bottom. I know that the only way out is up, but I just need that one push in the right direction to get out of it. People in life have it much worse than me, but at the moment I just feel alone in it all and i need a little help. I know this all sounds like I'm just being stupid or something but take it as you will, because we all have moments like this, and mine just seem to come at the same time.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014


Hello Internet People!

I always seem to start this with apologies, but this time I've been so busy I've just not had the chance to sit down and write for you beautiful people, but I'm here now and whenever I'm available I'll sit down and post a little something for you!

So, let's get started on this weeks theme! I've chosen to talk about films basically because I've been trying to keep myself up to date, seeing as there's been a bucket load of good films that have come out or are coming out in the not so distant future that everyone has been raving about, so I felt the need to try and watch as many of them as I could.

Why don't we start with the big one - The Fault In Our Stars. I went in to see this with such low expectations, because although it's the only thing people have been able to talk about in the past few months, I just wasn't really too excited. For me, the trailer just really didn't do much to make me want to see it, but I still went anyway, and it was a great call that I did. The film was just emotional and beautiful, and I cried 4 or 5 times throughout because it was just one of those films where the plot just sweeps you away on a journey and the acting is so stripped down and raw that you feel closer to the characters. I don't think I'd be able to see it again or buy the DVD or anything, because it just gives off this feeling that it's just too big a film to watch on a smaller screen. I don't know how, on a $12 million budget they managed to land 3 of the biggest up & coming actors in the industry to star and draw in Laura Dern & Willem Dafoe as support, but they just all worked flawlessly together, and if you haven't seen it, then go, seriously it's well worth it.

If you aren't into your marvel, you probably won't have seen this then but Captain America: Winter Soldier was sublime. It's just intelligent, well casted and gripping - so, basically everything you'd want in a good action film! Seeing as it is a sequel to a film that was brilliant but struggled in the box office, there wasn't much expectation for a second, but i have to say, I'm so glad that they made it! I'm a full on Marvel nerd when it comes to the films and i don't think I've missed one yet (apart from the 2003 piece of crap 'Hulk') and i wasn't planning on missing this one either! you don't necessarily need to see the first one to watch this, so just watch it, and thank me later!

Okay, I have to be honest, when i watched Bad Neighbours i hated it a little, because although it was funny at parts, it just seemed a little over the top at times and then there were parts that i just felt full on awkward at! Don't get me wrong, it's got a great cast and some parts that will make you laugh out loud, and I probably will watch it again because it is a good film, but I just hate awkward moments during a film, but it's all a matter of taste i guess. If you watch or re-watch it, look out for Nick from New Girl and Casey from The Mindy Show - blink and you'll miss them.

I'll be short and sweet with this one because the trailer should have sold it for you already, but my god, you all need to see A Million Ways To Die In The West, because it's fucking hilarious! Oh! And The Other Woman because that's great and probably worth it enough to see Jaime Lannister being humiliated by three beautiful girls!


Okay, I already sort ruined this one for you on twitter, but this week it's...

Basically, he's an Aussie YouTuber that's been getting a bit of notice recently by the likes of Troye Sivan, Tyler Oakley & Conner Franta. He's just honest and awkward, and he's worth a watch! You can watch my favourite video of his by clicking here, or check out his channel by clicking on his name!

I hope this wasn't too long winded, but I really didn't have much time to sort out a better theme, so let me know if this was alright for you, or if it was in fact too long and dull! I love to hear your comments and you know that you guys keep me sane! Love you & see you at PT 2!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

(A very late) FAVOURITES WEEK PT 2!

A man just walked past my house, looked me straight in the eye and threw the rubbish in his pockets onto my front garden. there was a bin right next to him as well...

ANYWAY! Hello Internet People!

 I can't apologise enough for the gap between part 1 and part 2, so I'm not going to. My Internet has been basically non existent and I've been pretty pissed off recently, so trying to think of things i like right now isn't fucking easy, but here i am, doing this post. you guy know the drill now, I'm gonna tell you about the things I've been enjoying recently, so let's get on with it, shall we?

1) Kian Lawley
He's an american YouTuber, click his name for his channel. I'm literally adding him to this because i spent a full day watching his videos recently, just because i find him attractive. Yes, i am ashamed of myself right now.

2) In The Flesh
My god, if you're from the UK and you aren't watching this, I'm ashamed of you. Now nearing the end of it's second series, it's a TV show about the aftermath of 'The Rising' - the day where the dead came back to life. it's just amazing, Luke Newberry, the lead in actor in it was even nominated for a BAFTA for his performance. Most people, including myself initially would dismiss it straight away because it is a zombie show, and let's be honest the hype over the paranormal has practically died out now. I've been watching from the first episode, and it isn't just another attempt at jumping on the band waggon, it's actually beautiful. The script is flawless and the plot is dramatic and gripping - you just really need to see it to know what i mean! it's on BBC Three on Sundays & on the iPlayer if any of you want to check it out!

3) Game Of Thrones
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, Fuck me, Peter Dinklage can act! his performance Reeks (get it? Reek? Oh never mind) of award season glory, and i tell you what the rest of the cast have upped their game this season also. I think it's nearing the end of season 4 and if you having seen it, go buy the box set because you're probably the only person in Britain right now who doesn't know what I'm talking about when i mention how gruesome it was what The Mountain did in the last episode.

I had a ticket to see this band but i forgot i had it so i missed out and now i hate myself. If you don't know, Chvrches are a Scottish band that are just blowing minds at the moment, i cant describe them and do them any justice because their music really speaks for themselves. Their debut album 'The Bones of What You Believe' came out late-ish last year and made a splash, but not until i heard them on XFM recently, did i get back into them. Their electronic tones scream 80's influence and the soft yet powerful vocals of Lauren Mayberry just courses through your veins and makes you want to sing with her. If you listen to only one song by them, listen to We Sink, or The Mother We Share, because they are both relative hits and they just make you feel the way you want to feel when you listen to a song.

That's my list for now! next week will be a surprise week, because I'm torn between two themes, so I'll release the theme by Monday! before you leave, I've decided that once a week I'm going to give a shout out to the person I've been reading or watching that week, so lets get this over with!

Luke deserves it this week purely because of this one video, which i was saying 'ummm yea gurl' and 'preach it bitch' throughout, which I'm linking below!

Anyway, i love you guys and i hope you didn't hate this video, let me know what you think of my faves in the comments and on twitter, and I'll include you in my next blog! I'll see you in a few days, and I LOVE YOU GUYS! x

Thursday, 15 May 2014


(I know this is like two days late but still)

Hello Internet People!

For part one, as promised, i've drafted my guest blogger DearVictoria in, to do another faves post on my blog! It's not the first time i've joined forces with this babe and it won't be the last, so i hope you like her! my favourites will be coming on Sunday, because i need to think of a new one seeing as Vickie stole my first favourite! But yeah, so this is what she's been loving recently;

Vickie's Faves:
Happy Thursday Internet People! Tom has asked me to do a little favourites post for him so I figured I may as well open like he does, makes me feel a little more at home here.

Jumping right in there, my first favourite is the lovely place in which I live. My humble abode. It's the absolute perfect place to go on a gorgeous little (or long) walk and despite what people may think about villages being small and boring, they're really not! Where Tom and I live you're in walking distance of 4/5 villages easily, if you don't mind a good trek with stunning views. We get all of this and we're an okay distance away from the big city - perfect!

My second favourite thing is probably going to be the gym, mainly as I've been spending most of my free time there over the past few months. I joined PureGym in February and haven't (yet) looked back. It feels really good to be working towards my goals the healthy way rather than using faddy crash diets.
If you know me you'll know I like to keep everything a little short and a little sweet so I hope you all had as good a spring as I did and I really hope I haven't ruined Tom's blog for you all!

Don't you just love her? vickie is just adorable, and on her blog this week, she's doing Rant week, following in my footsteps, so if you want to see what's been grinding her gears, click the link here!

If you like the thought of doing a collab week with some of my favourite bloggy friends (Tanya that includes you), let me know in the comments or on twitter! Next week's theme will be revealed in Sunday's post so stay tuned, and remember, i love you all! x

Sunday, 11 May 2014


Hello Internet People!

If you haven't read part one do it here, but if you have seen it, i can imagine you know what you're in for. Let's get to it then shall we?

Okay, so this may seem like two different things, but it really isn't. I love Eurovision and i watch it every year, because its always a good watch, and to be fair the artists this year really delivered. There were some novelty acts as per usual, but the serious ones were actually rather good; like Norway, Finland and Azerbaijan to name a few. The stand out this year though, was Conchita Wurst - Austria's utterly fantastic drag queen, who performed her Bond-esque 'Rise Like A Pheonix' which i am obsessed with. it was by far the best song i'd heard on the night and it deserved to win, but when i looked at the youtube comments below the music video, well i was infuriated to say the least. The amount of hate the poor guy's getting from homophobes because he performed on stage as a 'she' is unforgivable and it really shows the truth about how Europe really see LGBT people. The thing is if she hadn't had a beard, this whole thing would have been much less of an issue i'm sure, but why is it that people think they can dictate whether other people are wrong or right? we are all human, we are all equal so why should there be all this hatred? when someone commented that they 'had to change channels because they couldn't allow their kids to watch', it really got to me. please people, wake up and smell the equality! we are literally the same as you, even if your kids watched it, it's not like that'll make them like her, we don't have a choice in who we are and it's about time that it's recognised.

So, my brother has decided to move his room around, and that means that he's moved his bed. let me paint a picture for you - he has a large room that mine is attached to as we share a wall that is literally paper thin. he used to have his bed on the opposite side of the room to me and that meant that i couldn't hear him so much when his mates are around (which is always). i have the smallest room in the house and it only has enough room for my bed and a door. so now he's decided that i can no longer have any personal space because he's now moved the bed to against my wall. I mean, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? he has the life of fucking larry and i basically have Harry Potter's fucking room so he's bang out of order, yet still he wont move it back. Also, my parents have stopped buying healthy food and now seem to only buy things with enough fat in to kill you, so yeah that's fun. I'm sick of this house.

I haven't been out in ages but i feel it still applies - have you ever been on a night out and someone hits on you and doesn't leave you alone? it is just fucking ridiculous, i mean no matter how drunk i get i won't change my mind about you so can you not just fuck off?  it's worse when they keep inviting you back theirs, as if you'd go back with them anyway? When all you want to do is get drunk and dance to songs you hate with mates and you spot a freak practically masterbasting in the corner of the room while looking at you, it ruins the night. Also, the other day (not naming names) someone i was having a friendly chat with dm'ing on twitter decided to turn the mood of the conversation on its head with the three words 'are you horny?' -it's 7 in the evening and i'm with my parents watching TV, but yeah of course i am let me just drop my pants for you right now and send you a 'dick pic' because you voluntarily sent me one of your tic-tac dick to my mums phone i was using for the day, that i only gave you the number because i thought we were mates. NO MOTHERFUCKER, JUST NO. By doing that they just ruin the nice chat we were having, the friendship we had and also nearly flashed your dick at my mum. Fucking guys.

But yeah, that's the end of this month's rant week, i hope you enjoyed it, because i don't wanna be doing it once a month or so if you don't!

Not everything lately has been so shit, and next week i'm going to be doing Favourites Week and i may have some guest bloggers sharing their fave things from spring with you too!

let me know what you think about this week and next week's theme in the comments, or on my twitter and maybe tell people who you want to see guesting on here in the future? :) Love you guys! x

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Hello Internet People!

You probably hate me right now, because i've been such an infrequent blogger, but it's a new month and a new chance for me to get back at it!

So, if you are new to my blog, you wont be aware that most things that i post consists of me complaining at one point, and you've probably joined us at the right moment! the last few months have consisted of so much crap i can complain about, so i thought that maybe i should concentrate all of my rage into one or two posts, once a month or so and get it all out of my system. WELCOME TO RANT WEEK!

So, if you don't follow my twitter yet (do it here now, or else!), you wouldn't know that my life recently has consisted of sitting in my room and watching films. This really isn't a good way to use my time and i'm so incredibly bored almost every second of the day. ever since i deferred from uni, i've been sat around the house and gaining weight, and im fucking sick and tired of it. in a previous blog i said i was planning on getting healthy, but that aint happening when i have no money to go to the gym and the weather's always shit, and i refuse to run in the rain, my hair takes half an hour to do so fuck letting it get wet. fml.

If you live in America or down south and you don't understand what i'm talking about, well let me fill you the fuck in. I swear, in my life i haven't seen it go from warm sun to heavy rain and thunder so quickly, until a few weeks ago, and guess what? it's been happening almost every day. i am sick to death of going to the shop and ending up soaked, or getting ready to go for a run and the second i leave the house it starts raining. it's nearly summer and i swear to god if it stays like this i will kill someone. okay i may be over exaggerating but you get my point.

y'all know i love my music so i'm sure this will be a surprise to you when i say this, but music is probably the number one thing to piss me off recently. okay, i've got to admit, in terms of dance music, the recent releases such as Shit k3y's 'Touch' and 'Nobody To Love' by Sigma have been exceptional but when it comes to the release of pop songs... lord give me strength. Firstly, who the fuck invited the worlds number 1 twat and part time simon cowell look alike, Robin Thicke back into our headphones? I used to respect Jessie J until she paired up with him and another forgetful talentless DJ to come up with this horse crap. Luckily for them, they were outdone by the worst song of the decade by the walking sack of eye make up and reget, the Canadian mistake, Avril lavigne! what a load of old bollocks this 'Hello Kitty' song is, and it honestly seems like she's that desperate for material she'll take it from anyone. i'd go on about her, but the really isn't anything more to say about her than this - RETIRE AVRIL, DO THE WORLD A FAVOUR. Anyway, to sum up the rest of the musical mistakes, i just have to say one name - Jason Derulo. Is it me or are all of his songs the same?

Right that's it for part one guys, if you like rant week, let me know in the comments or on twitter and i'll do something like this more often! thanks guys, i love you!


Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Hello Internet People!

this isn't really about what this post is about, but right now i look pretty damn hot. I've not showered yet so my hair's in a bobble on the top of my head (wow i'm sexy) and i'm wearing a striped t-shirt i got in 2010. seriously, why the hell did i think that this would suit me back then? it is hideous.

Anyway! so today i was thinking about my last few posts and i realised that you dont really know that much about me, so i'm going to share some cheeky facts that you may or may not know!

1) My name is Thomas Edward Jon Rogers and i hate my full name. There are two stories i've heard from my family that explain why i have all the names and both of them seem pretty stupid. According to my mum, it's because she wanted me to be able to choose which name i call myself, but seeing as my ID and stuff all say Thomas, i've pretty much been stuck with it. and secondly, according to my auntie, my dad chose three names because 'all good cricketers have three names'. i'm shit at cricket, so well done there.

2) i've touched upon this before, but i am a gay man. my dad and brother are basically homophobes because they think i chose to be like this and they don't approve. Fuck them basically, because it's fact that we can't choose, i mean i want a wife and kids, but that's not gonna happen - vaginas creep me out.

3) i'm a musician, i've been the singer of a relatively successful band for coming up to three years now and before that i was a bass player in another band from the age of 13. I literally live and breathe music, and i work really hard to make sure my band, my baby is going in the right direction. i know i may have talked about it before in posts but i just want y'all to take a look at our stuff and hear what i've been slaving over for years. We've been so lucky in wilson to have been able to travel to different places to play gigs and to have ourselves played on the radio around britain, and it's just amazing to meet you guys if you've seen us and to let people enjoy what we love doing! (links - soundcloud - twitter - youtube - facebook)

4) I wear make up. i know people frown upon the gays wearing makeup, but fuck, i need it and i need it bad! i don't wear it all the time but i have an issue with my skin where it gets really red and i have pretty bad acne. people always say 'use spot cream, don't just cover it', but girl, i've been on everything, like the nhs have ran out of stuff to give me, it just wont go! so basically because of this, i wear rimmel match perfection concealer which i love, and it gives an even layer which i found is really hard to find in a concealer under a tenner, and rimmel (again) wake me up foundation, with works wonders with it, i might be affordable, but its not really wet and runny like my old one i was given to me. I also wear a powder because i can have a really shiny face, the one i first used was MUA but its just seemed way too heavy and i couldnt find a decent brush or pad gentle enough to apply it with. i now use one that had a litte pad-thing with it, which my mum gave me, and it gives the most even covering and its more translucent than the last one so i love it, but the names rubbed off it so i don't know where it's from!

I was going to do 10 facts, but i think i've gone on about myself a little too long for one day, sorry about that and sorry for waiting so long to blog!

 If you like my comments on my make up let me know and i'll do a few posts about it, and i know quite abit about fashion so if you want anything like or just another 'about me' post then tell me in the comments and i'll do it! Love you all! x

Friday, 28 March 2014


Hello Internet People!

So the other day i was forced out of my house with a bag full of CVs to go into Manchester with and get job hunting, which up until then, I'd been doing fully on my laptop. After 10 minutes of offering my CV to places and being scoffed at because 'everything is online now' which i told my parents before they forced me out of the house, i then decided to kill time by looking around shops. My favourite thing to do when window shopping is to go to the poshest shops you can find (Harvey Nichols was my target this time), and walk around all high and mighty, turning your nose up at designs and saying arrogant things under your breath. it helps if you're wearing loud shoes, like Chelsea boots, or for women; heels, so that you can make your presence known to the up-their-own-arse wankers who work there. 

After spending a good half an hour giving the overpriced designer store and it's staff the middle finger (one of the staff in mention was a guy who once left me during a date for someone else), i decided to take a look for some lesser known, but more friendly designers to appreciate. I ended up in Afflecks Palace in the Northern Quarter, a place i haven't been in properly since i was about 14 and had long hair. To my surprise, there were a lot of little shops that were really welcoming and full of cloths people could actually afford. There was a really cute craft shop that looked perfect for getting really nice vintage look tags and studs etc. called love craft. the woman at the till seemed a little bitchy but otherwise, it'd probably be my craft go to place. 

The main place that impressed me was a little clothing boutique that was sort of hidden away, squished between a load of larger shops, and it didn't have a name. After enquiring, i found out it was called 'Unexpected Apparel' and the clothes they sold were almost all original designs. the thing i liked most about this store was that they seemed very pro-recycle, because most of their work was on plainer, ready made clothing. For example, there was a white jumper that they had added half covers on the shoulders and a middle pocket made out of leather and the stitching was actually really quite good. They also had this long shirt that they'd written on with paint, and seeing as somehow, it's becoming more and more popular to wear nowadays, they'd caught up with the newer trends. It was such a nice experience to see people doing it for themselves instead of being sheep in the heard and following the conventions of normal, mainstream shops.

I'm thinking of doing more about fashion and maybe a bit of beauty on this blog, seeing as i know a thing or two about it, as well as my usual lifestyle posts, but I'm not sure whether that's what you guys want to see. let me know what you think, seeing as you're my target audience and i love ya! leave me a comment or maybe a tweet about it telling me what you think? ta! x

Thursday, 27 March 2014


Hello Internet People!

As my twitter peeps know, i was in Sheffield on Monday to play a gig at a bar/venue called West Street live. It was the first time i had ever been to Sheffield and it was a lot of fun. The reception from the crowd was quite good and although two spotlights were blinding me all the way through my set, from what i could see, people were enjoying it. It was actually our first gig in 2014 and it was nice to be on stage again. As some of you may know, I'm a terrible front man if i don't have a drink down me, because i get stage fright (not good for a singer, i know), but i was pissed so it was all good.

A good friend of mine from uni, Izzy, came to see us play for the first time and i hadn't seen her in a while so we went out after i finished the set, to a place called 'Corp'. It was a seriously weird place, and i don't think i could describe it too you, it was just that confusing, but fun nonetheless. At this place i met one of the guys who came to the gig and it was nice to hear what people thought of the band, and better that someone recognised me! Now this is where it got interesting - the drinks that were on offer were coloured pints. I have no idea what was in the blue pint but it tasted so good, i mean you have to give the place major points for the quirk factor of it all!

Anyway, we went to another place, called The Leadmill afterwards which was pretty cool, for me good music and good company makes a great night, so this place is what I'm all about. but over all, i have to say Sheffield was such a great experience and I'd love to go again. If you guys have any other places around the country you'd think I'd like, let me know and we'll go for a cheeky drink and a boogy!

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Hello Internet People!

Seeing as I've been such a shitty blogger recently, and i posted for the first time in a while earlier on today, i thought you might want something else to read too.

So i was watching the gorgeous Connor Franta collaborating with Sawyer, and not unlike the collab of queen bee Tyler Oakley and YouTube Goddess Grace Helbig, they were watching x rated viral clips and it got me thinking about how when i was younger, my twatty friends would trick me on to some site which would go on and scar me for a life time.

Through all the times (strangely mostly in maths lessons), that I'd go to the toilet and when i came back there would be four tabs open on my browser showing 2 girls one cup and an obscene amount of videos i could only describe as 'nun-fucking' i think it may have seriously effected my sexuality. to be fair they did also call me camp quite often so if i go off what scientific studies say, then maybe it wasn't their fault, but it's always nice to have someone to blame for anything, isn't it?

I think back then, it was the  'in' thing to do, as viral videos were only just starting, but i don't think there would ever be a point in my mind where I'd want to go back and reminisce about that time. I remember the worst thing about my childhood was the constant battle with being who i wanted to be, for example whenever someone would call me camp I'd get offended, or if a girl fancied me, I'd go out with her. i think i knew i was gay for a long time but i just couldn't allow myself to be who i am at that time, in case no one like what they saw.

Did you ever have hide from something at school? or do you think you are hiding from something still? let me know via the comments or twitter or anything! I'm a good listener :) x


Hello Internet People!

so, after days of promising a post, I've finally done one. To be fair, i was so hungover yesterday, i didn't leave my bed so I'm not even sorry for that. St Paddy's day was crazy and took everything out of me, but i don't think I'll forget it any time soon.

Literally half an hour before the 7 o'clock train, i was persuaded to go out and my mum, who felt sorry for me because I've not left the house in 4 weeks decided to give me money for a one off night out. after running down for the train i met with my friend Kat who as usual was bubbly and a good laugh. we met up with our friend Danielle and Kat's who mates Matt and Jayson and went to hell on earth - my old work. It was good seeing the small amount of the original staff i worked with but it felt weird being in there again. And just so you guys know, if you go to Manchester for a night out, DO NOT go to Bierkeller, its overpriced and corrupt. we then went for one drink elsewhere before going to an Irish bar. It was packed and everyone were in good spirits so the mood in this place was pretty great.

5 pints of Guinness and a few more bars later, we left the Printworks and set off to go to '42's' a club on the other side of town. we got there at the most awkward time, as it had just opened and no one was really there, but the music was to my taste and everyone seemed like they were enjoying themselves. give it half an hour and people were flooding in and we were on the dance floor and Kat was trying to set me up with her best mate, who wasn't even there. This is where it got awkward - Jayson decided that the best idea to get me in a more upbeat mood was to walk up so a stranger and try and get him on to me. Seeing as i wasn't drunk enough not to care and i hadn't met him before, it put me in a bad mood. There was this really hot guy there who was perfect for me but i didn't really want Jayson harassing another lad and he moved about so much i couldn't really bump into him and spark a conversation (yes that's how i pull, I'm smooth you see). But anyway, it got to two o'clock and because i hadn't had a night out in months, i refused to leave. My friends left and i decided to make friends by pulling a random gay guy, as normal. My god I'm a slut. So, after spending the rest of the night out with a load of Geordie people, who were both dull and stupid, i walked to the bus stop and this is where the night went crashing down, and crashing hard.

The next bus wasn't until 5 so i had about an hour and a half to kill which was unfortunate, so i sat down and then my phone died. knowing it would only get worse, i should have anticipated the drunk guy with the bleeding knuckles to sit down next to me. he spent the next hour telling me about how much of a dick his mate is and we sort of made an unlikely friendship - now have him on twitter, so if you're reading this, Hi Aidan. 30 minutes to go until the bus and i started getting stomach cramps, i needed a shit more than anyone had needed one before. the worse thing was, there were no toilets open and i had a 2 hour journey home ahead of me. Let's just say that the rest of the journey was me hobbling like I'd shat myself (which i somehow didn't) and cars going past watching me in pain but only slowing down to Snapchat the wet-through idiot who looks like he'd shat him self. when i finally got home i gave birth.

The thing is, whenever i go for a night out, i leave the house thinking 'i can turn back now, save the money and spend it elsewhere' and at the end of the night, when I'm hobbling home at 6 in the morning i think 'why the fuck did i bother?', so i ask anyone who reads this to tell me - why do i still bother? i know you may have expected a more embarrassing story, seeing as normally  get drunk and do something stupid, but this time i was just plain and simple not that drunk. Maybe Next time, eh? Oh, god why am i planning on a next time?

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Hello Internet People!

Did you miss me? Did you? Missed you too! Sorry about the massive delay since i last posted, i honestly have no excuse other than the fact that i've done absolutely nothing interesting or even really left the house recently. I would give you an extensive recap of that one time last week when i went for a walk to the shop, but i feel that'd be rather dull. Let's stop thinking about the past and get on this post shall we?

So i realised that i've been eating too much rubbish recently, if i hadn't caught a glimpse of my new second chin in the mirror the other day i don't think i would have done anything about it and just carried on eating until i was the size of the moon. But fate was on my size and i noticed my weight gain on shopping day, so i called up my mum and forced her to buy less crap. I'm on day two of my new diet and i'm hating it already, i think i'm ready to kill for a pot noodle. Instead of gorging on crumpets in the morning (how very English of me), i now eat a bowl of fresh fruit and an activia to keep me going till lunch. Lunch can be anything i want as long as it's not massive and i finish the day off with pasta, salad or something healthy like that. It's helping me with my portion control at least. the thing is, when you have nothing to do during the day and no employer seems to want you, it's easy to comfort eat your way out of boredom and it's ridiculous how very easy it is to binge on a mountain of chips because you 'didn't know how much to cook'.

The thing is, i don't know about you but Gyms are expensive and, as a person who has never had a gym membership, intimidating. Having to come in for an induction on how to use the equipment just sounds so humiliating when there will no doubt be someone you know watch you as some six pack wanker walks you around telling you how to use a treadmill as if it's not obvious. Over all, the worst thing about a gym is the changing rooms - imagine, you've just joined for the reason that you have no body confidence and you want to improve on it so that you feel more comfortable in topless situations, and the first step is to take your top off whist getting changed in front of mainly well built teenagers and muscle men. I mean seriously, it's like pushing someone who's afraid of heights off a cliff. It's just plain wrong.

Because of my refusal to be the one guy my age in the gym getting changed and weeping because of my car crash of a body, i need to start doing something to shed some pounds, i don't mind running but it's pretty cold around the time i'd run at the moment and i really could do with a running buddy, so i need new ideas for getting back in shape!

Anyone got any good ideas? let me know on twitter or in the comments box! love you guys!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Hello Internet People!

So, as some of you may know, i am a gay man, and it's not my choice to be this way. You see i've always wanted kids of my own and a family, and it's much harder to do that in my situation. I used to think that if I had a choice i'd be straight, and live like a 'normal person' but fuck that, i'm fine as i am. You see, i've been brought up with a brother and a father that are very homophobic and i know how it feels to be held back by someone. Recently, even my mother has gotten in on it and told me that i need to act 'normal and straight' around the house - hearing that from the one person in the family that appeared supportive of you was like being shot in the heart. Being gay is not a choice, so why should i feel like i'm wrong?

I was watching one of Hannah Hart's brilliant My Drunk Kitchen episodes on youtube when she actually struck a nerve when she talked about the LGBT youths in Russia that are having to live basically in fear at the time being, as they have to hide their true selves because of the Russian Government and their Homophobic new laws. it's not right that teens are growing  up scared of the country they live in, scared to be themselves. it's honestly sickening. That's why i'm writing this post, to hope that my readers understand how important that this cause is and hope that some of you might want to help. By just making a video or sending a short message of support, you can make them feel like someone is there, someone is trying to help and that they are not alone. It costs nothing, and it helps so many people, so please just follow the link below and help them today!

thanks guys, you know i love you all x

Monday, 24 February 2014


Hello Internet People!

So, yet again i've had time off from this, but it's just been a confusing couple of days. I've had the strangest week in terms of feelings, because one second i'm happy and the next, well, not so much. Recently the littlest things have been setting me off, but a new week and a new look on life! I've been thinking about relationships a lot recently and i've come to the conclusion the dipping my toe in the shallow end is the best option for me because i don't think i'm ready to dive in just yet. It's easier to look than commit because then i get jealous or i get swept away into havoc straight away. Maybe it's best at the moment to see what's out there, meet new people and give myself a reason to get out of bed and stop watching films.

I've been thinking about the Oscars a lot recently, and as the cine-manic that i am, i'm seen most of the nominees and i think half of the choices are just plain wrong. I'm sorry but American Hustle was lacking a spark, The acting in Philomena felt hollow and The Wolf Of Wall Street too just plainly too long - don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant film but it just felt like it lasted days. The main two picks i agree with is Gravity and Dallas Buyers Club. Now, Gravity is just visually spectacular and breathtaking, with strong performances from the cast and the writing crew. I have never seen Sandra Bullock (who i never really liked before this film) act as well as the did in this film, she even made me tear up at points. I don't really know what to say about Dallas Buyers Club, apart from that it's poetic beauty shone to the last frame. Jared Leto who plays Rayon, a Transgender, AIDS ridden drug abuser was the most pure performance i have ever seen in a supporting actor. From the second he appeared he took a hold of you and shook you until you believed. He lost around 30 pounds to play the role and didn't break from character even when the camera weren't rolling until the end of the shoot - now that's commitment. If he doesn't win the Oscar, it;s a real injustice. Honourable mentions have to go to August: Osage County for it's Stellar cast and mesmerising acting acompanied by a heartfelt script and Frozen for making us all feel the warm touch of Disney in our hearts again.

So yeah, that's my thoughts on things for the time being, let me know what your comments are below or on my twitter :) x

Monday, 17 February 2014


Hello Internet People!

 So I've taken a week off from posting because I've not really been useful for anything recently, and I'm not sure why. I've been breaking down a lot and it's not healthy, maybe i should see someone about it? I don't know. But yeah, i thought I'd let you know that I'm still alive anyway!

I've been really busy recently with my band, because as we prepare for festival season and possibly a mini tour, we need to make everything perfect as well as take a crack at writing new material. it's a lot of pressure but we need to get ourselves busy again, especially now that it's come to light that Nick Hodgson of Kaiser Chiefs fame had heard us and wants to see us live after liking what he heard. Hopefully we can get ourselves back on top of things as we were last year, and get some new fans in the making. Our current Demo EP is on free download on soundcloud right now! I know its a shameless plug but here are our links:


Anyway, back to reality and today i saw a link on Youtube to the 'Top 10 Arctic Monkeys Songs' and after watching it, i got thinking about the success they've had over the years. Even though i know so many people who are ashamed to call themselves a fan in a desperate attempt to seem cool because of their achievements in the the 'mainstream' chart, they deserve to be the biggest band around at the moment. The approach that they have on music is so thorough yet so loving that they make a melody that no one can compete with, and it is clear that every note and every beat is carefully planned to make a winning combination . But above and beyond, the main back bone to the bands status is the lyrics. Only comparable to the words of Morrissey, Alex Turner's lyrics flow off his tongue in a beautiful narrative and leaves us all speechless. Truly no one can compete with the giants any time soon.

Sunday, 9 February 2014


Hello Internet People!

So basically, as you may have seen on my twitter, i don't post two days a week so that i have something interesting to say! stupidly, my two days off were useless this week, unless you want to hear about how i went to bed at 11 on Saturday or how i sat and watched iPlayer on Friday - clearly my weekend was amazing. The main things that i've sone this weekend came today because i forced myself to leave the house because i was slowly becoming a potato. 

I do this stupid thing whenever i watch my football team (Everton) play on TV - basically i have a cigarette before, at half time and after the game. Smoking is not cool kids! anyway, what my ritual showed me today was the weather, and how rediculous it was. Where i live, it was literally every type of weather you can name taking  turns to piss me off. It made me think off the months ahead and the fact that soon i can put my parka and my trench coat away for the lighter months. I don't know what it was about today, but i've been a lot like the weather with my emotions, it was like i was controling it, or it controling me, because it's been a rollercoaster day for me, for absolutley no reason.

But enough about me being mental, lets get back to my day, shall we? in the suns final moments i decided to go for a wander, as it was sort of sunny, well it was behind the clouds, which somehow caused a mystifying sepia tone to my sight. Seeing as most of my friends have left for uni, i'm on my own, and i need to learn to get myself out of the house and keep active so i think this walk did the trick. i forgot how good fresh air was, and like i've said in previous posts, i live in a beautiful area so it was nice to take in the views. As i'm practically an alcoholic, it did end up in me watching the end of the football at the pub, but i feel like today was saved from my emotions by my willingness to change that and be outgoing. It made me think about how i need to get myself doing things i enjoy again and i'm giving myself a new aim for this year to get out more!

are you guys becoming lazy like myself? let me know in the comments :) x

Thursday, 6 February 2014


Hello Internet People!

So, I was sat talking to my gal Vickieblogs when she said that we could collaborate on a post for my blog, and after seconds of deciding what to write about, she suggested that we talk about our winter favourites! It can be anything that we attained or used in the winter season that we loved, and because we could go on all day about the beauty and fashion products we both got during this winter season, it'd be a lengthy post! Instead, we have capped it to our two favourite things, so that we don't bore you with a long list of pointless info! so here they are:

Tom's winter favourites!

Tom's first favourite
I'd have to say that my first winter favourite will have to be the Wemoto jumper I got when I went to Leeds and basically bought myself a massive ARK haul. ARK had an up to 75% off sale and i got it for about £20 which is a massive bargain for such good quality. The colour was just what I love and the inside is just so soft that I hate having to take it off! If you're looking for a jumper that will keep you warm and keep you on trend, I'd hunt it down if it's still in stock!

Tom's second favourite
My second winter favourite came without a thought to me, as it's the best and only Christmas present I got this year, and I bought it myself. Gucci Guilty Black is the best smelling aftershave I've had for years, and I absolutely love it. Luckily I don't know anyone else with it, so I don't smell like every other man, which is always a plus, and apart from one insulting comment, a lot of people have complimented me on my fragrance. It was relatively expensive, at around £55, but it was well worth the cost. If you're looking to stray away from Paco Rabanne '1 Million' which it seems that everyone seems to smell like nowadays, this may be the one for you!

Vickie's winter favourites!

Vickie's first favourite
My first winter favourite has to be these boots I got over Christmas off Ryan. They were from New Look and I got them for about £25.00, discounted of course! I think these were originally around the £40.00 mark which still really isn't bad for such a sturdy pair of ankle boots. The colour just screamed winter at me too and they literally have not been off my feet. If you’re someone like me who literally cowers at the idea of walking in heels a boot like this would be absolutely perfect.

Vickie's second favourite
The second winter favourite I picked was this Nivea hydration primer. It’s ridiculously inexpensive-  I think retailing at around £5.00 - and really did save my skin throughout the winter months. I get really dry, dehydrated skin when the colder months fall upon us, especially around my t-zone (weird, right?) and this left it feeling amazingly plumped up. I reckon this will work even in the summer months when you end up really piling the powder on to stop that beautifully attractive sweat shine on your face to sort of counteract it and ensure your skin doesn't end up turning into a desert.

Right, so that's our winter favourites for this season! Thanks for reading and if you like it, leave a comment or something because it'd be great to do more collabs with Vickie because she's my best friend and I enjoyed writing this one so much! Adios beautiful people! x

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Hello Internet People!

I was getting ready to go out a couple of days ago and i left my Spotify on shuffle, and that's when i realised how much music i starred and forgot about. Once every few weeks, i go on a hunt for new or little known bands to get into, because as a musician myself, i know how frustrating it is to work so hard on something and it get no recognition for it. So i thought it best to show you some songs by some artists you may or may not have heard of that are simply beautiful. Also, seeing as most people still have the winter blues, i thought that the songs that i include should be relatively upbeat to make people look forward to the warmer months ahead!

1) Walk Like A Man - Ruen Brothers

This song is just genius. it's almost like it's made for festival season, and because of it's clever use of vintage influence, an upbeat tempo and an above par vocal display, it can make almost anyone want to move their feet. After an eye catching performance at Reading and Leeds with BBC introducing, i haven't heard much of them and it's unfortunate if such a promising act go unnoticed for long.

2) Freeway - Mona

Now this song is too cool and a perfect fit for summer, i feel like i need to wear sunglasses just to hear it. It's a sort of mix between 'Kings of Leon-esque' rock and a mystery jets ballad that makes it so different and appealing to me. After they enjoyed relative success in both the UK and the US with their 2011 album of the same name, it's 2013 successor 'Torches & Pitchforks' failed to chart at all. It's a shame as it's worth a listen at least.

3) Better Off Without You - Summer Camp

From the 2011 album 'Welcome to Condale', the opening track is light, happy and has a 60's surfing summertime feel to it and provides the perfect top down driving song in sun. Being such a perfect song for summer, it should have sold better than it had, and since the 2011 album only enjoyed a certain amount of buzz, the 2013 self titled album came almost unnoticed although the English band deserved more to come from it.

4) Urban Photograph - Urban Cone

Known best for being on the Made in Chelsea soundtrack for their summer episodes, this light song is one to lay on the grass and sunbathe to, and will surely make you look forward to summer. The whole self titled album that came out in 2012 was just perfect, as was the EP that came before it,so it is a real shame that nothing has been announced since to indicate an album coming soon.

5) Further Away (Romance Police) - Lissie

Backed by the amount of attention Lissie has been given since she began, this song was a perfect second single to come from her second album, 'Back to Forever'. It's a fun, guitar based song that fits with any mood, but when it came to charting it only managed to chart at 98th in its highest peak in the UK. Even though both of her albums have been well received, The american has struggled to reach the dizzying heights of her close friend, Ellie Goulding.

So, that's my first 5 songs people need to get listening to! I know that i've missed so many out, but i will do a part two if you guys like this one, so let me know in the comments or on Twitter  :) x

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

MY (a bit late) 2014 BLOGGING GOALS...

Hello Internet people!

Right, so i'm late on this by a month, but to hell with it, i'm doing it anyway! so i saw my beautiful friend Vickieblogs do this recently and i thought it best that i should do it too, and give myself some aims for this year.

Seeing as i'm a relatively new kid on the block when it comes to blogging, it's good that i set myself goals, because if i don't then there's always that idea that you haven't fully committed to the project in hand. so i'm going to use this opportunity to show how much effort i'm willing to put in! .i love writing, and i love doing new things just to tell you guys about, and sharing my life with you, so i'm going to take a leap here, and aim quite high just so that i strive to do my best!

So here we go:
            Twitter                 Tumblr                     Bloglovin'                    Google +
current - 1101          current - 437                current - 57                    current - 6
Aim - 1500               Aim - 550                  Aim - 150                        Aim - 40

Pretty ambitious i suppose, seeing as i'm also planning on doing a youtube channel doing weekly vlogs soon aswell, but i think with my amazing readers behind me i can do it! Ive linked all of the titles for my aims so you can get at them easier! :) 

okay! Question of the day here, what is your favourite song from when you were growing up?

Monday, 3 February 2014


Hello Internet people!

So this weekend has been interesting to say the least. A friend came to see me for the weekend and because he'd never been to Manchester before so I had to play tour guide on his little holiday. On the first night, i thought it appropriate to take him to my local pub, to show him how inexpensive it is for a good drink outside of London. The pub i took him to was called The Rising Sun in Mossley, a real traditional pub with the friendliest locals and a proper homely feel to it. Unfortunately, seeing as it was a Friday evening, it was very busy and there was nowhere to sit, so we decided to go out in the city and i could show him what a night out in the north is like instead. I took him out to the Gay Village, as it is the place i like to go on a night out, and he seemed to enjoy himself. A few drinks and an encounter with an intoxicated good friend later, we decided to go home. Before leaving the city centre i managed to show him Manchester's main places to see, which is mostly conveniently condensed into a small circular walk. After a taxi journey home, day one seemed to end successfully.

Day two started with a hangover and for him, a bacon butty. We then went out to a small town called Uppermill which is in Saddleworth, not far from where i live. Uppermill is a beautiful countryside town, surrounded by hills and amazing views, and i thought it to be the best place to go because of its tea rooms and small independent shops to amble round. after a small rummage in an old book shop, we then went to 'The Vintage Cupcake Shop' which does the most amazing and aesthetically pleasing cupcakes in the north. The shop sells an array of cupcakes and offer a tea service and other wonderful cakes and beverages. Every time i enter that small shop i feel slightly sophisticated because, even though i am yet to sit and have tea there, it just feels like something people posher then i would do weekly. He then took multiple pictures of the views and the alpacas on the hill side. It was quite an adult feeling day to be honest.

The next day he left to go back to London, after having a good weekend, and that's when it hit me that i'm actually living in the perfect area and i've been taking it for granted. This weekend has given me a new light on a place that i've just overlooked for years as a mundane place that i've grown up in. The real thing to think about is what you really think of where you're from. A few months ago i was ready to walk away from it all and i thought i'd be happy, but now, i'm back here and i appreciate it for the first time in a long time.

Thursday, 30 January 2014


Hello Internet people!

So i've been wondering - is it just me or does your taste in music change once you're drunk?

I was drinking a couple of weeks ago (okay every day; i drink every day) and when i realised that the alcohol had hit me, i noticed that the music channels on my TV were becoming less annoying and they were playing more and more fun songs to have a little chair dance to (don't lie, i know you all do it). the thing is, the music hadn't changed, it was the same old rubbish they've been playing on repeat for the last 2 hours but i no longer hated it, in fact i wanted to turn it up. It doesn't only happen at home, but also in clubs, where i somehow know the lyrics for a song i've only ever heard once and i'm dancing and screaming 'I love this song!'. Unfortunately i have learnt that the after effect of this is having some one direction song in my head for the whole of the next day, making me want to kill myself.

This brings me on to the biggest burden i carry, and if any of you went to university with me, you know that it's the painfully ridiculous truth. when i say i get annoyed by having a pop song in my head for a day, i mean it, but i take it sometimes as a relief, as i have had one song stuck in my head for about 3 years. the song isnt even relatively modern or even a song to say i particularly like, but in fact it's Europe's 'The Final Countdown'. I
know it sounds made up, but it really isn't - that song is like a poison in my mind and i just can't seem to shake it. Next time you hear that song, think of me and pray it doesn't stick with you too.