Anyway! so today i was thinking about my last few posts and i realised that you dont really know that much about me, so i'm going to share some cheeky facts that you may or may not know!
1) My name is Thomas Edward Jon Rogers and i hate my full name. There are two stories i've heard from my family that explain why i have all the names and both of them seem pretty stupid. According to my mum, it's because she wanted me to be able to choose which name i call myself, but seeing as my ID and stuff all say Thomas, i've pretty much been stuck with it. and secondly, according to my auntie, my dad chose three names because 'all good cricketers have three names'. i'm shit at cricket, so well done there.
2) i've touched upon this before, but i am a gay man. my dad and brother are basically homophobes because they think i chose to be like this and they don't approve. Fuck them basically, because it's fact that we can't choose, i mean i want a wife and kids, but that's not gonna happen - vaginas creep me out.
3) i'm a musician, i've been the singer of a relatively successful band for coming up to three years now and before that i was a bass player in another band from the age of 13. I literally live and breathe music, and i work really hard to make sure my band, my baby is going in the right direction. i know i may have talked about it before in posts but i just want y'all to take a look at our stuff and hear what i've been slaving over for years. We've been so lucky in wilson to have been able to travel to different places to play gigs and to have ourselves played on the radio around britain, and it's just amazing to meet you guys if you've seen us and to let people enjoy what we love doing! (links - soundcloud - twitter - youtube - facebook)
4) I wear make up. i know people frown upon the gays wearing makeup, but fuck, i need it and i need it bad! i don't wear it all the time but i have an issue with my skin where it gets really red and i have pretty bad acne. people always say 'use spot cream, don't just cover it', but girl, i've been on everything, like the nhs have ran out of stuff to give me, it just wont go! so basically because of this, i wear rimmel match perfection concealer which i love, and it gives an even layer which i found is really hard to find in a concealer under a tenner, and rimmel (again) wake me up foundation, with works wonders with it, i might be affordable, but its not really wet and runny like my old one i was given to me. I also wear a powder because i can have a really shiny face, the one i first used was MUA but its just seemed way too heavy and i couldnt find a decent brush or pad gentle enough to apply it with. i now use one that had a litte pad-thing with it, which my mum gave me, and it gives the most even covering and its more translucent than the last one so i love it, but the names rubbed off it so i don't know where it's from!
I was going to do 10 facts, but i think i've gone on about myself a little too long for one day, sorry about that and sorry for waiting so long to blog!
If you like my comments on my make up let me know and i'll do a few posts about it, and i know quite abit about fashion so if you want anything like or just another 'about me' post then tell me in the comments and i'll do it! Love you all! x
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