Sunday, 9 February 2014


Hello Internet People!

So basically, as you may have seen on my twitter, i don't post two days a week so that i have something interesting to say! stupidly, my two days off were useless this week, unless you want to hear about how i went to bed at 11 on Saturday or how i sat and watched iPlayer on Friday - clearly my weekend was amazing. The main things that i've sone this weekend came today because i forced myself to leave the house because i was slowly becoming a potato. 

I do this stupid thing whenever i watch my football team (Everton) play on TV - basically i have a cigarette before, at half time and after the game. Smoking is not cool kids! anyway, what my ritual showed me today was the weather, and how rediculous it was. Where i live, it was literally every type of weather you can name taking  turns to piss me off. It made me think off the months ahead and the fact that soon i can put my parka and my trench coat away for the lighter months. I don't know what it was about today, but i've been a lot like the weather with my emotions, it was like i was controling it, or it controling me, because it's been a rollercoaster day for me, for absolutley no reason.

But enough about me being mental, lets get back to my day, shall we? in the suns final moments i decided to go for a wander, as it was sort of sunny, well it was behind the clouds, which somehow caused a mystifying sepia tone to my sight. Seeing as most of my friends have left for uni, i'm on my own, and i need to learn to get myself out of the house and keep active so i think this walk did the trick. i forgot how good fresh air was, and like i've said in previous posts, i live in a beautiful area so it was nice to take in the views. As i'm practically an alcoholic, it did end up in me watching the end of the football at the pub, but i feel like today was saved from my emotions by my willingness to change that and be outgoing. It made me think about how i need to get myself doing things i enjoy again and i'm giving myself a new aim for this year to get out more!

are you guys becoming lazy like myself? let me know in the comments :) x

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