Thursday, 30 January 2014


Hello Internet people!

So i've been wondering - is it just me or does your taste in music change once you're drunk?

I was drinking a couple of weeks ago (okay every day; i drink every day) and when i realised that the alcohol had hit me, i noticed that the music channels on my TV were becoming less annoying and they were playing more and more fun songs to have a little chair dance to (don't lie, i know you all do it). the thing is, the music hadn't changed, it was the same old rubbish they've been playing on repeat for the last 2 hours but i no longer hated it, in fact i wanted to turn it up. It doesn't only happen at home, but also in clubs, where i somehow know the lyrics for a song i've only ever heard once and i'm dancing and screaming 'I love this song!'. Unfortunately i have learnt that the after effect of this is having some one direction song in my head for the whole of the next day, making me want to kill myself.

This brings me on to the biggest burden i carry, and if any of you went to university with me, you know that it's the painfully ridiculous truth. when i say i get annoyed by having a pop song in my head for a day, i mean it, but i take it sometimes as a relief, as i have had one song stuck in my head for about 3 years. the song isnt even relatively modern or even a song to say i particularly like, but in fact it's Europe's 'The Final Countdown'. I
know it sounds made up, but it really isn't - that song is like a poison in my mind and i just can't seem to shake it. Next time you hear that song, think of me and pray it doesn't stick with you too.

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