Monday, 1 September 2014


Hello Internet People!

As you can see by the name of this, it's gonna be a bit of a soppy one. I was just flicking through facebook when i saw that Caspar Lee had uploaded a new video, called 'MY FRIENDS ARE AWESOME 2014' (click here to watch it!), and I just thought it was the perfect way to tell people you care about how proud you are. Seeing as my YouTube channel isn't up yet, because my camera is a twat, i'm going to do this here. I'm only doing like 3 or 4 people because i have too much to say and i don't want to bore you guys, but yeah, here it goes..

First of all i have to say Vickie (Dearvictoria), i am ridiculously proud of you. In the past year i've seen you end a long term relationship and have the strength to hold your head up, because you knew it was the right decision and be come out of it still having so much optimism about the future. i know it was hard for you to do, but fuck me, you're so much stronger and more confident for it. Also, seriously, i have to say that the determination i've seen from you to lose weight is just heroic, you look fucking fantastic for it. You're like half the size you were and still losing. You're moving away soon and leaving me, but i know you're doing it for the right reasons and either way, I love you vicks, you beautiful fucking bitch.

I went to Beacons festival a month or so ago (which i'll be talking about more later this week), and i didn't expect much of it, i mean the band got our tickets for free, as guests and we went thinking it'll be a bit of a laugh. And then we met Alex (@SKY1ING) and Sorley (@SorleyMcLean). For me, you guys made that festival great, and you were such good people that i actually miss you like fuck. Sorley, you have to keep in touch because you're a funny bastard and i love how i met you because you actually made a plan for us to talk to you, so you could make friends. And Alex, i feel like you're my little sister, even though i wont see you much this year, i know that we'll always be close because we're like the same person. you're an absolute babe and it's killing me that i can't see you every day, get drunk and then go watch a band, like we did then! Also, Charlie (@TheRealCBarker), you're a good mate and i'm glad i have someone like you in the band that i can talk football to! you were pretty funny as well that weekend, and it was good to see you come out of your shell a bit more.

Right, i'm waffling already, so i'll make this my last. Josh, you are amazing. You somehow seem to make my day every time you text or call, even when you're just being a fanny and talking about pointless shit. You're sweet and funny, and no matter how shit a day i've had you can always cheer me up. Sometimes you do worry me because you do stupid things and almost get yourself kicked out of your house, but i just see that as you being you - but maybe you should think before you speak when your drinking as well, because that may help. You're one of those people that you can never find the words for, because you're pretty fucking unique and i love it. you're one of my favourite people and i cant wait to see you soon.

Finally, i have to say, that you people that read this are so fucking important to me, without you this would just be one really fucking sad diary. Thanks for the support and thanks for sticking with me through all the shit. I love you guys!

Right, let's all agree that i probably shouldn't do the soppy stuff because i'm shit at it, but don't worry, my next post will be back to normal and it'll have my person of the week on as well, because this isn't really like one of my normal posts, it's really only so that i can say how i feel about some of the amazing people in my life right now. They've all changed my life for the better and i just wanted them to know that.

Sorry if you hated this post, but as i said this was a little more personal. back to normal later this week! if you actually liked this post, feel free to let me know in the comments or on twitter, and as always, i love you guys and see you soon :) x

(if you noticed and spelling mistakes or anything like that, it's because it's late and i'm tired so fuck spell checking!)

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