I've been gone for such a long time now, and I know that I've said in the past that when I'm gone for a while I'm not going to bother explaining myself any more but fuck it, this time you deserve an answer. Let me clear a few things up - no i am not dead and no i haven't quit blogging, I've just had a few things going on recently. If you read my last post, you'll have noticed that I've been a bit all over the place recently, and i knew that the the quality of my posts were just getting worse, so it was clear that i needed to take a break from this and come back to it when i felt that i was ready to continue again. The pressure i put myself under with the band and this and a whole bucket load of other shit just made me crumble and now i feel like I'm getting myself back on track, so as you can see (obviously), I'm back, bitches.
Basically, the plan is that i will post as often as a can from now on, and that could mean that its 1-5 times a week or twice a fortnight. Also, for now I'm going back to basics and I'm putting off my theme series, which if you didn't know, i did a two part, two post week with a different theme each time, which i don't want to get back into and panic to think of a theme for one week because my original plan had fallen through for it. I will, however still do the Rant Weeks and maybe the occasional crossover week with another blogger. The theme series will continue in the future but not until i get my shit together with everything else. Also, hopefully soon I'll change the look of my shitty, shitty looking blog design but I'll have to get some help with that, even though I actually have a qualification in graphic design because I'm not only lazy but I've learnt that generally, other people do things better than i can.
Also, I'm considering making the Person of the week segment in my posts separate and just a mini mid week post for y'all, but it's really up to you. This week's will be below still though, because I'm lazy as fuck. While I'm on the subject of mini posts, I was thinking of bringing back Song of the week, but making it monthly instead. Let me know what you think!
The reason I've posted this big, boring explanation is because you guys are what makes this blog, you make me want to post and you make it easier for me to want to improve it. This is why I want your input because its not just my blog, it's ours, and you have as much say as I do. If there weren't you people to read the crap I come up with, it'd just be me and a very odd online diary thing.
This week, i have to say it needs to be Andrew Lowe!
if you don't know andrew it's probably because you don't spend as much time as me watching youtubers. I have a very sad and empty life. Basically Andrew is a youtuber and he's in with the whole Thatsojack, Rebecca Black, Lohanthony and Ricky Dillon crowd. I only recently noticed him and after one video i hit the subscribe button because he is brilliant. He is basically the male Grace Helbig, and I fucking love Grace. he's dry, awkward and sarcastic, and I basically binged on his videos yesterday. I can't get enough, so go and check him out by clicking here
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https://www.youtube.com/user/ohheyitsandrew |
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