Thursday, 30 January 2014


Hello Internet people!

Okay, so i've been avoiding writing a new entry for a while because i kept telling myself i had nothing to write about. The thing is, i think it may have been more that i was too scared to put anything else on here, scared that i'll end up ridiculed for wasting my time on a blog. Here's me, sat on twitter, too scared to write something and share it, seeing all you wonderful people tweeting literally the most random things that come to your head, when i realise that i've been tweeting so many things i could write about. The best part is that people favourite my tweets, so clearly i have nothing to fear because all this time i have been sharing, and all this time i haven't been ridiculed.

So here i am, sat in the middle of the night writing this post, so that you all know i'm not giving in, and hopefully you all take from this the fact that we can do anything as long as we don't let clouded judgement impair your vision of what you want to do.

From now on, i promise to put more effort into this blog because after all, i love writing for it! i hope you enjoy reading :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Keep up the good work, and soon you'll have a TON more followers I've only been blogging since a few months ago, and I've hit 106 followers ever since I joined Bloglovin a few weeks ago! Keep up the good efforts!

    - Issy Freeland
