Hello Internet People,
Wow. It feels so weird to type that in for the first time in so, so long.
I've not posted in ages, and I keep telling myself it's because I've been really busy working, that I don't have time to think up an idea of what to post, or even that I've not had time to do anything worth post-able, but if I'm honest with you that's all bullshit. In all honesty, I haven't posted because I couldn't think of anything to write about, literally nothing decent would come to mind. After months of not writing because of it, it has just come to me, write about not being able to write. So that's what I'm doing.
I'm sure you've all heard of writer's block? hitting the brick wall in your mind that's been littered with graffiti saying 'Just give up' and 'at least you tried'. Well it happens to everyone, at least I hear it does, and as you know, the blogger's worst enemy, well hit me hard and took me down. The worst part of not being able to write is that it makes you feel a bit helpless, like you've lost your passion, your drive, your creativity and there's nothing you can do about it. At the end of it all, you're reading this right now aren't you? so you can get over it. all I had to do was rediscover who inspired me in the first place to write, and to make something worth reading, which in all fairness may not be this. This post is one of those things you have to do, it's like a stepping stone back into it, like dipping your toe back into the water. And knowing that fully, I apologise if it ends up being a waste of your time.
Here's what really gets me though, all the effort. People who write on blogs, or record vlogs, or whatever feel a lot of pressure to create something worth viewing, and sometimes that makes things a lot harder. For instance, sometimes, after watching a great film or hearing an amazing song, I want to write a blog post about it. I want to praise it for everything good it's done, from the way it made me think to the way it has been pioneering in some way - but I can't. If you haven't seen the film or heard the song, then how can you understand what I'm talking about? and then why should you read something that you have no view on at all, or any connection to the substance in the post? You see, although I cant see you, blogging isn't a one sided thing, it relies on you guys, to read the posts and react to them in some way, otherwise they're pointless and have no real reason to have been posted in the first place. But nowadays, writing something of substance has to be broader, more like able and relatable so that anyone out there cant read and understand and 'subscribe' to a relationship with the particular blogger's posts. If you make no effort to make it universal, then it's going to be hard to get people to read, to respond and to want you to continue posting. And that's my problem - I'm overthinking it. I need to go back to the old ways of 'top 5's' and 'collabs' instead of not writing purely because I refuse to think of anything like that.
So long story short, I'm sorry for being gone for so long.
Thanks for sticking around guys,
Tom x
Monday, 14 September 2015
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Hello Internet People!
I've been thinking about people from my past recently, and I came to the conclusion that there are so many of them that I haven't spoken to in so long, but have missed. There are billions of people in the world but we only meet a few of them, so if you think about it - then why are we so quick to forget and discard the ones we know?
There are people in the world that feel like they don't have any or many friends, and it's sad to think that they have turned themselves into a recluse because of that one thought. No one is ever alone, because there is always someone to help them through, even if they don't think it. It's important to make sure that everyone knows that they aren't alone or abandoned, and by doing this, it will hopefully aim to help people who are depressed and in the dark see a little bit of light again.
That's why I want everyone that read's this to do the Nostalgia Challenge and look back through their messages on social media and their phones, and look back at the people who you used to talk to, pick as many as you want and spark up a conversation. The chances are there are at least one person that you were friends with that you haven't spoken to in a while, and by talking again, you have the change to rebuild what you had. The entire aim of this is to fight loneliness and depression caused by it, but to also bring people together again.
If you read this and go through with the challenge or you want to talk about it, tweet me at @tejrogers on twitter or use #nostalgiachallenge and who knows, maybe we can get a few more people getting involved and do some good. I know this is different to what I normally write about but I just wanted to get the point out there!
As always, i love you guys and thanks for reading! x
I've been thinking about people from my past recently, and I came to the conclusion that there are so many of them that I haven't spoken to in so long, but have missed. There are billions of people in the world but we only meet a few of them, so if you think about it - then why are we so quick to forget and discard the ones we know?
There are people in the world that feel like they don't have any or many friends, and it's sad to think that they have turned themselves into a recluse because of that one thought. No one is ever alone, because there is always someone to help them through, even if they don't think it. It's important to make sure that everyone knows that they aren't alone or abandoned, and by doing this, it will hopefully aim to help people who are depressed and in the dark see a little bit of light again.
That's why I want everyone that read's this to do the Nostalgia Challenge and look back through their messages on social media and their phones, and look back at the people who you used to talk to, pick as many as you want and spark up a conversation. The chances are there are at least one person that you were friends with that you haven't spoken to in a while, and by talking again, you have the change to rebuild what you had. The entire aim of this is to fight loneliness and depression caused by it, but to also bring people together again.
If you read this and go through with the challenge or you want to talk about it, tweet me at @tejrogers on twitter or use #nostalgiachallenge and who knows, maybe we can get a few more people getting involved and do some good. I know this is different to what I normally write about but I just wanted to get the point out there!
As always, i love you guys and thanks for reading! x
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
As promised, I'm doing a big ol' person of the week haul sort of thing, because I've missed so many weeks and there are so many people I want you to know and love by the end of the day! I'm posting this on the same day as my last post because I think they really fit together and I haven't given you anything in so long, so it's about time to give you something back for your patience. if you wanna check any of these guys out, guys click their names and it'll take you to the channel or blog.
10) Jacob Wright
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Its very occasional that he posts a new song, but shit when he does it's pure beauty. Jacob and his band Bear Pit which he formed with singer (friend and ex-band mate of mine), Amber Lane. their music is real and honestly very moving. Give it a go, seriously.
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Recently Luke, a close friend started this blog and i have to say, he puts all of himself into it, the posts are interesting and to the point and his style is always on point. If you love fashion, you will love him.
8) HeyoTheo
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Oh Theo, bless him. Theo is an Australian youtuber i found in the comments section of another youtuber's video, i get that people don't like when someone 'self promotes' on other channels but how else are you gonna get known, and how else are you going to meet and make friends with other people that vlog? he's innocent and offbeat and i like that.
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Obviously, people will know Matt as the husband and father of youtube royalty; Louise & Darcey - sprinkle of glitter and baby glitter. His channel is more focused on his experience in teaching with the occasional vlog, but he's really growing into his channel and it's really good to see. he lack slickness at times but he really seems to plan well and it shows.
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He's just a simple vlogger. he's sweet and he knows how to keep life interesting and i like that. also, i like his artistic side how he shoots his videos.
5&4) Willam belli & Courtney Act
Willam and Courtney are the two main drag queens who do Youtube. Willam has his show the Beatdown (which is hilarious) where he finds shit on youtube and laughs at it, and Courtney does a talk show, music and vlogs, they're pretty good so check it out.
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Ben Cook. He's is just god, i mean he's dry, funny and honest and his series, 'Becoming Youtube' is everything, the second season of the series is coming out soon and it's overdue. his sense of humour and delivery is reminiscent of Charlie Brooker, and that's probably why i love him.
1&2) Mark E Miller & Ethan Hethcote
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I've put these two together because both channels are exactly the same, basically. Ethan and Mark are vloggers who mainly daily vlog there day to day life together and that's mainly it. With these two there's really no tricks or skits, its just honest and i really like it. they go on 'boyfriend adventures' often to different places and vlog the experience and they work so well together you just root for them. i like them, and i think they deserve more recognition really.
So yeah, that's it for today, i hope you like my suggestions, and if you watch then, say 'tomrogblogs took me here' :) see you next time, love you x
Hello Internet People!
Don't you hate having to think of the future? I mean unless you're in your dream job, earning crazy money to support your perfect family and you have the happiest outlook in life, the future is pretty daunting. At the start of every new year people are expected to make plans for the future and keep them, which they won't. I like to prepare for the new year by telling myself that the next year is going to be better than the last. Essentially what I'm saying is that we lie to ourselves at least once a year.
This year is going to be different though. I know that it's pretty much the polar opposite to what I just explained but I really do think the future has at least one thing good in store for me this time around. Firstly, I'm finally getting some will power and getting up before midday, unlike normal, and I'm finally starting to eat right (isn't it sad that I wrote a post about healthy eating last year and I'm finally going through with it fully, months later). My motto for this year is basically grow some balls, fatty.
Also, I really am going to try and post more often, because if I don't then I just feel like I'm losing touch with the Internet. I'm going to try and think up a load of ideas and write them down, and do little projects to try and aid my blogging, and maybe pick up on doing themed weeks like I used to. What I'm trying to say is, this is the year that we succeed, the year of endless possibility and if I keep remembering that, then it will be so.
So that's it really for today, just a quick one that's hopefully given you some will power to keep your projects alive too. Let me know that your new years resolutions are, and tell me what your plans are for the future. OH! and I'm releasing another post later on today too... and I've been looking forward to, so look out for that as well! love you guys x
Don't you hate having to think of the future? I mean unless you're in your dream job, earning crazy money to support your perfect family and you have the happiest outlook in life, the future is pretty daunting. At the start of every new year people are expected to make plans for the future and keep them, which they won't. I like to prepare for the new year by telling myself that the next year is going to be better than the last. Essentially what I'm saying is that we lie to ourselves at least once a year.
This year is going to be different though. I know that it's pretty much the polar opposite to what I just explained but I really do think the future has at least one thing good in store for me this time around. Firstly, I'm finally getting some will power and getting up before midday, unlike normal, and I'm finally starting to eat right (isn't it sad that I wrote a post about healthy eating last year and I'm finally going through with it fully, months later). My motto for this year is basically grow some balls, fatty.
Also, I really am going to try and post more often, because if I don't then I just feel like I'm losing touch with the Internet. I'm going to try and think up a load of ideas and write them down, and do little projects to try and aid my blogging, and maybe pick up on doing themed weeks like I used to. What I'm trying to say is, this is the year that we succeed, the year of endless possibility and if I keep remembering that, then it will be so.
So that's it really for today, just a quick one that's hopefully given you some will power to keep your projects alive too. Let me know that your new years resolutions are, and tell me what your plans are for the future. OH! and I'm releasing another post later on today too... and I've been looking forward to, so look out for that as well! love you guys x
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